FrozenBAR Products

Roll Ice Machines
Machines for roll ice cream products. FrozenBAR provide quality roll ice cream machines either floortable or countertop as well as the necessary ingredients and the know-how.

Ice Machines
Greek Ice machines that offers flexibility and durability. A wide range of ice machines from small capacity up to very high production per hour.
The First and Last Partner You Will Need for Your Store!

Customer Service
Our service is at the highest level, both before the sale, addressing any inquiries you may have, and after, for the transfer of know-how related to our products as well as issues regarding the servicing of the machines.
At FrozenBAR, you will always find something innovative and pioneering!
Our partners always play a leading role in our new products!

If there’s one thing that’s non-negotiable in our company, it’s the quality of our mixes and equipment.
Ask us for samples to see the quality for yourself!

We always strive to ensure that our prices are in the best interest of our partners. Catering establishments need to have a high profit margin to thrive, and we help them achieve this goal.
We always deliver on time, according to the schedule and timeline of each order!
Often, we even accommodate last-minute requests to ensure that our partners are not left unsupported due to their own oversights!